Have you ever had “Chardonnitis”? The unabashed wine doctor dictionary defines this malady as overindulgence in too much of the world’s most popular white grape variety, Chardonnay. Don’t get me wrong. I love Chardonnay as much as the next person, but sometimes I need a change, some other white variety. Men and women do not live by Chardonnay alone! A nice crisp Riesling, zesty Sauvignon Blanc, fruity Chenin Blanc, nutty Pinot Grigio or minerally Muscadet would do nicely. Then once you’ve had a change, it’s easy to return to Chardonnay with renewed interest. So the good doctor’s prescription for a case of Chardonnitis? Sip a glass or two of non-Chardonnay and call me in the morning.